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We promote and progress the healing of our planet, through tending to the life systems of the earth for an ecologically rooted human civilization using the Permaculture design system. We encourage regenerative tending of the waters, the soils, and the cultures of our planet with appropriate techniques for the context. By enhancing the relationships between these elements, we develop sustainable futures. We are dedicated to the application of Permaculture Design for stability in our bioregions, and offer education, design, and media services towards these ends.
Marisha Auerbach
Marisha Auerbach is an internationally recognized permaculture educator, designer, and speaker based in Olympia, WA. Marisha has lived and practiced permaculture in both urban and rural environments. As an avid gardener and herbalist, Marisha specializes in food production, ecology, and useful plants. Marisha believes that it is possible to respond to the current environmental challenges, lower our ecological footprint, and continue to live equally delightful lives through permaculture design. This passion is what drives Marisha's active teaching schedule throughout the year.
Currently, Marisha teaches permaculture online through Oregon State University. The Oregon State University Permaculture Team offers an online Permaculture Design Course during fall, winter, and spring semesters. In the winter, we offer an Advanced Course in Climate Resilience. Marisha designed and developed the Permaculture Food Forests Online course in 2020. The self-paced Food Forest course is offered on demand throughout the year. Once the self-paced course is completed, students can continue on to the Food Forests Practicum, offered during fall, winter, or spring semester, where Marisha guides students through the design of their food forest on a site of their choice.
Since 2000, Marisha has maintained a diverse collection of unique plants and seeds. Over this time period, she has provided nursery plants to friends and clients throughout the bioregion. This has now expanded to include other friends as the Permaculture Rising Nursery Collection. A cooperative business, PRNC offers plants in Olympia and Portland.
Fertile Ground Education Center is the home for Marisha's freelance educational offerings. In collaboration with others in our bioregion, we seek to bring people together to cultivate and celebrate our connection with the land and our unique home. Fertile Ground seeks to be a hub of connection for restoration, and local food production.
Permaculture Experience
Marisha Auerbach has taught over 50 permaculture design courses and numerous advanced workshops on a diversity of topics. Since 2004, she has worked in diverse environments from the humid temperate climate of her home in Washington State to the tropical rainforest in Belize to the arid landscapes of Colorado and Montana. Marisha has a BA from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. She completed her permaculture design certificate with April Sampson-Kelly and Leisure Coast Permaculture Visions in Australia in 1998. Marisha holds advanced certificates in Keyline Design, Working with Cultural Diversity, and 2/3 World Permaculture Design. She has also completed an advanced permaculture course with Sepp Holzer. Marisha has offered permaculture consultancy services since 2008.
Currently, Marisha teaches permaculture at the university level at Oregon State University, and Portland Community College. She developed the Certificate in Holistic Landscape Design at Bastyr University and was the lead permaculture instructor for this program from Fall 2011 - 2014. Marisha teaches a permaculture design course annually at the Maya Mountain Research Farm in Belize in February.
Permaculture based Food Production
Driven by her passion for local food production and permaculture systems, Marisha has developed the "Grow Your Own Produce" Workshop series. It is possible to grow your own food year round in the Pacific Northwest Bioregion. It surprises many people to learn that you can generate enough food for a household of 4 on a standard urban lot with good sun exposure. Marisha has been practicing year round food production for the past 12 years. During this time, she noticed that many people wish to grow their own food, but lack the rhythm of food production throughout the year. From February - November, this workshop series is similar to a support group where participants learn each month what they need to do to maximize their garden yields for a year round harvest. Handouts are provided each month including a checklist of things to do and other supplemental materials that support the theme of each month. 2023 will be the 13th year of offering this series.
Marisha's plant nursery offers many of the varieties that are highlighted as reliable producers in this series. Plants are available by appointment or at our plant sales.
Home Gallery
Current Projects
Marisha moved from the Wild Thyme Farm in Western Washington to Portland, OR in 2010 to develop an example of how permaculture can be applied in an urban setting. Together with Zane Ingersoll, they demonstrated their low impact lifestyle through the remodel and retrofit of their home and their permaculture landscaping choices. Marisha and Zane grew about 85% of their own food on their urban lot, captured rainwater to support the needs of the landscape, raised heirloom rabbits and chickens, welcomed in wildlife, generated most of their soil fertility onsite, and shared the surplus with their neighbors and community. She maintained a seed exchange and permaculture plant nursery onsite.
In 2022, Marisha moved back to Olympia, WA. She is currently seeking a larger plot of land in the greater Olympia area to continue to experiment with climate adaptive agriculture by selecting seeds for annual vegetables that are known to thrive in our climate and collecting plants for the nursery that provide both ecological functions and yields for our community. The nursery is in the process of being turned into a bioregional producer cooperative. We expect to launch in 2023 and have pickup locations throughout the bioregion. Nursery plants are available throughout the year. Check our upcoming events page for events future plant sales. Marisha has been cultivating numerous medicinal herbs and has some herbal products available by special request.
In the News
Marisha Auerbach in the News
Radio Interviews
Growing Urban Food Security the Permaculture Way. Earth Repair Radio. April, 2020.
Growing Your Own Food: KBOO radio, Portland, OR, January 2016
Urban Landscapes, Biodiversity, & Permaculture Education: Permaculture Podcast, March 2014
Videos Featuring Marisha Auerbach
Plant Nursery
Marisha's Plant Nursery
If you are looking for unique permaculture plants and heirloom vegetables in the Cascadia bioregion, look no further! Marisha has been collecting useful plants including perennial vegetables, medicinal herbs, nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumulators, insectary plants, edible flowers, groundcovers, and berry bushes, and culinary herbs for the past decade. Our plants are available by appointment or during our seasonal plant sales in the Spring and Fall.
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