Grow Your Own Produce Workshop Series
Wed, Feb 03
|Online through Zoom
Join us for this monthly workshop series, designed to help you meet your goals for your endeavors in the garden by providing an overview of key activities to engage in at the right time each month from February through November.

Time & Location
Feb 03, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Online through Zoom
About the event
Each month, the class is designed to help you maximize your yields and efforts in the garden by providing an overview of key activities to engage in at the right time each month from February through November. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month through Zoom. Before the class meeting, participants will receive a collection of handouts supporting the key topics for the month with a garden checklist for the month ahead. We will discuss different subjects that are pertinent to the garden that month using slides and the month’s handouts as reference. There will be ample time each class session for questions. After each class, participants receive a video of the class and pdf of the slides.
Marisha Auerbach has spent many years observing and interacting in her garden and in the gardens of the greater Pacific Northwest bioregion. She has been growing most of her own produce year ‘round for over the past decade. To learn more about Marisha, please visit her bio page.
$185 for the full 10 class series
$100 for the 5 class series, or $25 per class
20% discount for People's Food Coop Members
Wednesday, February 3: Planning, Design, & Framework
Wednesday, March 3: Indoor Seedstarting, Early Season Plantings & Perennial Vegetables
Wednesday, April 7: Cole Crops, Greens, & Soil Building
Wednesday, May 5: Warm Season Crops, Edible Flowers & Attracting Pollinators
Wednesday, June 2: Maintenance & Harvest
Wednesday, July 7: Berries, Herbs, & Water Catchment
Wednesday, August 4: Seedsaving & the Winter Garden
Wednesday, September 1: Putting up the Harvest
Wednesday, October 6: Garlic, Cover Crops, & Compost
Wednesday, November 3: Nourishing Soups, Wildlife in the Garden, & Planning for the Coming Year